
More and more offshore projects or major lead contractors and oil companies require vessels and equipment to be audited before deployment according to amongst others standardised inspections provided by organisations as IMCA. Since 2009 WNV surveyors obtained various accreditations by this organisation, thus being able to provide such audits.

CMID and MISW are well-known programs and inspections which are provided by these associations and international industrial organisations. Having been developed in response to requests of the members or of the main contracting parties, the ultimate aim is to provide a robust (web-based) inspection tool and database of inspections. Done by professional, trained and accredited inspectors WNV carries out these surveys independently with the highest care and respects for the interest of ship owners.


Visiting address
Kubus 60
3364 DG Sliedrecht
The Netherlands
Post address
PO Box 14
3360 AA Sliedrecht
The Netherlands
Telephone +31 (0)184 41 48 00
Telefax +31 (0)184 41 16 30
24-hr service +31 (0)653 32 63 57